TETRA  |  2015-06-22

Celab improves TETRA coverage for Jämtkraft

Source: MCCResources

Jämtkraft operates seventeen hydroelectric stations around Jamtland. Unitil recently, at many of these locations, coverage of the Rakel TETRA network was inadequate or non-existent.

To increase the safety of the employees Celab has recently been contracted to install solutions to guarantee Rakel TETRA network reception indoors.

The need was discovered after Jämtkraft joined RAKEL last winter. In this period Jämtkraft found out that Rakel hand portables were lacking of adequate reception inside certain power stations. This, despite the fact that their new handheld terminals, Motorola MTP6550, had the best reception performance in the live tests carried out during the procurement process. 

It's not just the geography that creates coverage problems, but also the buildings' design. Hydroelectric power stations are built to withstand enormous water masses, with meter-thick concrete walls and lots of reinforcement, which prevents radio waves. 

After continuous measurements and system planning, several repeater were installed. The so-called off-air repeaters from Axell Wireless are picking up radio signals from outside, amplifies them, and sends the signals out via an advanced antenna. Today there is adequate RAKEL coverage in all areas where previously the reception of the network failed.

The whole Jämtkraft organization is now able to communicate seamlessly and Lone Workers can feel safe as they can now send alarms regardless of their location.