with tag Public Transport

Why TETRA for the European urban public transport market?

TETRA  |  2014-03-17

Why is TETRA chosen for communications across urban public transport markets? This article takes a look at the reasons behind the technology choice for the bus, tram and metro sectors.

EADS: Cassidian to build TETRA network for Tram Line in Shenyang, China

TETRA  |  2012-11-09

Cassidian will provide the TETRA system with a complete set of equipment, including the new generation DXT3 switch, base stations, Dispatcher Workstation (DWS) controllers and terminals.

MPK Krakow bought 100 Motorola TETRA radios

TETRA  |  2012-09-04

Implementation of digital communications for MPK Krakow began in 2008, with the installation of the TETRA system in the tunnel for the Krakow Fast Tram (KST).

Stockholm city transport opts for Sepura

TETRA  |  2011-05-16

SRSAB is not only supplying the Sepura terminals, but is providing SL with a complete packaged solution...
