TETRA  |  2021-04-26

Digital Norwegian Nødnett Days: A Huge Success

Source: DSB
Curated by: Gert Jan Wolf - Editor-in Chief for The Critical Communications Review

The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB) announced that on 21.04,2021 DSB  arranged a digital Emergency Day for almost 1000 participants.

The online program included experiences from the landslide in Gjerdrum, training and exercise, operational status in Nødnett, security in Nødnett, the Nødnett of the future and lessons learned from Nødnett Connect.

The participants represented many different organizations, from all over the country. According to DSB there was lots of engagement by the audience, asking many questions..

In case you missed the online event, Digital Nødnett Days was recorded, and will be shared on the Nødnett website in the near future. The presentations (in Norwegian language) can be found by clicking the read more button.