TETRA  |  2013-06-17

TETRA powers Ankara Metro’s Current Line and New Lines

Source: The Critical Communications Review | Gert Jan Wolf editor

TETRA’s Dimetra IP Compact offered by Motorola Solutions is the fit solution for the Ankara Metro Railway Infrastructure.

To manage current and new railway system, Ankara Metro decided turning to TETRA (TErrestrial Trunked RAdio) digital trunking solution for its communication to handle networked train scheduling, operations management and maintenance.
Already 2012, the current line, M1 was switched to TETRA from analog UHF system for being compatible to all railway communication system.  And two new lines, M2 and M3, will be completed until the end of 2013.
Full system will include all IP-MSO (Mobile Switch Office), 35 enhanced Base stations, over 1000 terminals (Mobile Radios, Portable Radios and Train Radios), Control Centre with Redundant Network Management Terminal, Voice Logging Server and Dispatchers, Redundant RF Coverage System.
The 410-430Mhz TETRA system extends across all three lines (M1, M2 and M3) covering 33 stations over 48 kilometers.
Infrastructure Background
 The Ankara Metro M1 Line, running since 1997, is 14.7 km long and with its 12 stations it is the unique suburban railway system of Ankara for 16 years.
For meeting the requirement of millions people of Ankara, additional metro lines are currently under construction.

Source: Airadio