TETRA  |  2012-03-13

ASTRID will use 3G network for Mobile Data

Source: The Critical Communications Review | Gert Jan Wolf editor

Marc De Buyser, directeur-general of Astrid. “to purchase own spectrum and to build a new mobile network was never an optio.

Astrid, the operator of the TETRA public Safety network in Belgium will use commercial 3G networks for mobile data. The tender will be launched within the next few days in order to offer the police, fire brigade and other emergency services a mobile 'high speed' data network early next year.

It is not a secret that more and more emergency services like police and fire brigade want to use a mobile data network. For example to get pictures transferred of suspects or to ask the video images of a surveillance camera. The current TETRA network was designed for voice communications and does not allow high speed data communication.

One year ago Astrid initiated a study in order to find out how an efficient mobile data network could be established.. “in order to allow the use of high speed mobile data for our users, there is no alternative than choosing for an mvno-setup", according to Christian Mouraux, Product Management and Market Intelligence manager at Astrid. Marc De Buyser, Director-General of Astrid. “to purchase own spectrum and to build a new mobile network was never an option. We do not have budget for this.

Source: www.knack.be