TETRA  |  2011-11-29

Entropia Digital to implement new digital licence within The Netherlands

Source: The Critical Communications Review | Gert Jan Wolf editor

All of the old frequencies were removed and the new frequencies have been successfully implemented at a nationwide level.

Entropia Digital the operator of the TETRA network for non public safety users in The Netherlands and Belgium, received a new digital licence for operation within The Netherlands.

After the assignment of a digital telecom license (TETRA) by the Belgian Institute of Post & Telecommunications (BIPT) in Belgium, Entropia Digital Telecom receives from the Telecom regulator in the Netherlands, a new digital Radiotrunking license. As in Belgium, the license is valid for ten (10) years, until September 1, 2021.

In this year September and October, Entropia processend the new license in the Dutch network. All of the old frequencies were removed and the new frequencies have been successfully implemented at a nationwide level.

Source: www.entropia.eu