DMR  |  2015-12-10

HYDX Brand gains traction at PMRExpo 2015

Source: MCCResources

At PMRExpo 2015 Juston (Fujian Juston Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd) welcomed a large number of visitors. The company reached a preliminary cooperation intention with some of the buyers.

At the global professional wireless communication Exhibition, PMRExpo in November 2015, the Juston company showcased many of the latest, cutting-edge PMR products. The Chinese PMR Communications equipment manufacturer said that it has laid a foundation for the HYDX brand to enter the European market.

At the exhibition, the latest DMR range of products was highly recognized by a lot of professional buyers  and with some buyers the company reached a preliminary cooperation intention. 

Through the exhibition, HYDX is now able to further expand its portfolio and influence abroad in order to develop overseas markets, especially the European market.

Recently the company also showcased its PMR solutions at the at the China Sourcing Fair (HK Asiaworld EXPO) on Oct.11-14th with great succes.