Narrowband  |   Broadband  |  2024-05-14

Leonardo Launches New Whitepaper at CCW2024: 'Importance of Collaboration in Delivering Mission Critical Communications Projects'

Source: The Critical Communications Review | Gert Jan Wolf editor

At Critical Communications World 2024 in Dubai, today Leonardo launched a new white paprer that desrcibes the importance of collaboration in delivering mission critical communications projects.

At Critical Communications World 2024 in Dubai, today Leonardo launched a new Whitepaper that describes the importance of collaboration in delivering mission critical communications projects.

Broadband has become a reality in professional communications sector and several organisations all over the word have implemented, or are going to implement, mission critical broadband projects that are integrating or somehow replacing the existing narrowband network.

The introduction of broadband in the professional communications sector has many implications that extend well beyond the technical issues bound to introduction of a new technology and new standards. Depending on the nature of the project a business model change may be put in place shifting from a private network to an infrastructure owned by a third entity (possibly a Telco operator) that may also be shared among several organisations. In addition, given the possibilities that broadband technologies bring new ways of working, introducing new applications, new infrastructures and new third parties that enlarge an ecosystem that needs to be organic, integrated, secure and support in the most effective way as possible the operations of professional community(Emergency Responders).

The task of a mission critical network is to support critical processes that often involve saving life’s. The new system must not be disruptive with respect to the existing way of working, bringing value and new possibilities in a safe and smooth way.

This has implications that surpass the technological domain and involve a smooth and fruitful cooperation among all involved entities and organisations that may have possibly contrasting objectives and need to find the best compromise and way of working for a successful implementation.

You can download the Whitepaper  'Importance of Collaboration in Delivering Mission Critical Communications Projects' here.