P25  |  2022-08-14

Mission Critical Partners Expedites the State of Maine's EMS Implementation

Curated by: Gert Jan Wolf - Editor-in Chief for The Critical Communications Review

Mission Critical Partners (MCP) announced this week, that it will continue to help the Emergency Services Communication Bureau (ESCB) of Maine as it develops the merger of 911 and 988 services. MCP will assist the state in developing policies and procedures for screening callers requesting crisis response assistance. The ESCB is a section of the Public Utilities Commission of Maine (MPUC).
This is the most recent endeavor by Maine to prepare for the debut of 988 service, the newly designated three-digit dialing code, which went into effect on July 16, 2022, statewide. The new calling code will connect callers with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and the Veterans Crisis Line. Nationally, public safety agencies have been determining how they may support the 988 service and other alternative answers for residents in crisis, such as referrals to mental-health specialists and others dealing with homelessness, substance addiction, and other social issues.

The state of Maine approved a statute in 2021 requiring the ESCB to present a report to the legislature on prospective protocols, procedures, and future legislation to ensure the delivery of crisis-response services via the 911 and 988 systems. The goal is to connect persons with mental health, substance abuse, and behavioral health concerns with the proper support.