LTE  |  2014-02-04

2nd SALUS General Assembly Meeting

Source: MCCResources

Since its launch in September 2013, the SALUS Project has hosted its 2nd General Assembly on 15-16 January 2014. The General Assembly was organized at Fraunhofer IOSB in Karlsruhe, Germany.

The first day of the General Assembly started off with each Work Package leader introducing and summarising seven of the eight Salus Work Package activities. These Work Packages consist of: Management; Use Cases Definition and PPDR Requirements; Enterprise Architecture Analysis and Specification; Economic and Business Case Analysis; PPDR Security and Privacy; PMR Services on PPDR Broadband Networks; System Integration Use Cases Validation and Evaluation of Broadband PPDR Platform. These presentations focused on key points, such as defining synchronization points between the activities conducted in the different Work Packages, along with potential challenges for SALUS. The first day concluded with separate group discussions on procedures and strategies with the Security Advisory Board and End-User Advisory Board.

The second day kicked off with a presentation on the 8th Work Package: Exploitation Roadmap, Dissemination and Standardisation. The focus of the day expanded to look at the outreach strategies for SALUS in terms of cooperation and collaboration with other organizations and shaping the overall direction of the SALUS Project.

PSCE is involved in WP 2: Use case Scenario and WP 8: Dissemination and Exploitation. PSCE is also the chair of the End-user Advisory Board. During this event, PSCE was represented by Manfred Blaha and Marie-Christine Bonnamour.

The General Assembly was followed with an End-User Workshop that sought to bring members together to further develop the use cases and the requirements that have thus far been stated at an intermediate level. The two-day interactive workshop put forth meaningful exchanges, thoughts and ideas, structured around three different scenarios City Protection, Temporary Protection, and Disaster Recovery.