LTE  |  2022-07-04

Down Under NSW Telco Authority Examines the Market for the PSMB's Upcoming Phase

Source: The Critical Communications Review | Gert Jan Wolf editor

In order to assist with the rollout of the national mobile broadband network for emergency services, the NSW Telco Authority is scanning the telecom market.

The new initiative, known as Public Safety Mobile Broadband (PSMB), aims to provide emergency service organizations (ESOs) with a mobile broadband capacity to facilitate easier communication amongst them across Australia.

The PSMB is currently in a proof-of-concept trial phase that is scheduled to end in August 2022 and is being led by the NSW Telco Authority. The national PSMB's design will be influenced by the trial's findings.

In order to update the market on the PSMB's current situation and gather further market intelligence for NSW and the National PSMB program, the authority has now published a request for information (RFI).

Foundational infrastructure for PSMB, multi-carrier roaming, deployable assets, prioritized site hardening and coverage expansion, and vehicle-as-a-node are a few of the areas meant to gather market intelligence.

“This RFI is an information gathering process in which the National PSMB Program seeks to collect information and opinions from the telecommunications industry with deep experience in operational and critical communications,” the RFI document stated.

“The intent is to gather further market intelligence and inform NSW and National PSMB Program to add to the knowledge available. The RFI is not a precursor to procurement but intended to develop our understanding of the inputs, challenges and opportunities in implementing a nation-wide PSMB.”

In order to update the market on the PSMB's current situation and gather further market intelligence for NSW and the National PSMB program, the authority has now published a request for information (RFI).

Foundational infrastructure for PSMB, multi-carrier roaming, deployable assets, prioritized site hardening and coverage expansion, and vehicle-as-a-node are a few of the areas meant to gather market intelligence.