MCX for Public Safety

Control rooms  |   Broadband  |  Operations  |  2024-11-15

Emergency response teams now rely on advanced broadband networks, moving beyond narrowband voice and messaging to support IP-based multimedia for push-to-talk, video, and data sharing. NG112/911/999 and Mission Critical Communications (MCX) are becoming integrated, aiming to improve situational awareness, response times, and secure data sharing. Currently, standards for emergency call handling and responder communications are evolving separately, but future interoperability is essent


Etherstack InterTalk Case Study

Control rooms  |   Narrowband  |  Technical   |  2023-12-06


Reimagining Public Safety Operations

Control rooms  |   Narrowband  |   Broadband  |   Satellite  |   Critical IoT  |   Video  |  Operations  |  2023-12-04

This paper outlines how the PSAs are currently leading the operations, some of the current challenges faced by them and the key accelerators that will further propel them toward next-generation operations.


How to Improve the Effectiveness of Your Control Room Operators

Control rooms  |  Operations  |  2022-01-11

Latest technology advancements help improve productivity, efficiency and safety


NG911 & FirstNet - Emergency Communication Centers Provide the Critical Link

LTE  |   P25  |   Control rooms  |  Operations  |  2019-03-02

Two specific technologies, Next Generation 9-1-1 (or NG9-1-1) and the Public Safety Broadband Network (or FirstNet), have captured significant attention as emergency communications center leaders seek strategies to integrate these technologies into their operations. This whitepaper explores the similarities, differences and inter-relationships between these two emerging technologies.


PSCE White Paper - Next Generation Emergency Services

LTE  |   Control rooms  |   Broadband  |  5G  |  2018-10-05

The document addresses the current state of emergency services and the challenges linked to the evolution towards Next Gen. emergency communications and focusses on the vision of the H2020 EMYNOS project.


The Next BIG Thing for your Video Management System - GEOSPATIAL AWARENESS

CCR  |   Control rooms  |  Vision & Future  |  2016-03-04

Everything is going geospatial…Twitter, Google, Facebook, Pinterest. Although it may manifest itself under other names: geo-intelligence, GEOINT, map-based, geo-referencing, geo-analysis, these are all terms referring to the concept of geospatial. In security terms, geospatial refers to WHAT happened and WHERE it happened, and it’s the role of security professionals to understand how it can help make critical perimeters and facilities more secure.

