Control rooms  |   Narrowband  |   Broadband  |  2024-04-26

Teldio Now Integrates with Avtec Scout Console

Curated by: Gert Jan Wolf - Editor-in Chief for The Critical Communications Review

Teldio has partnered with Avtec to enable precise indoor and outdoor location tracking, messaging, alarming and integrations for two-way radios (Teldio TruFleet Plus) directly within the Avtec Scout Console™. This integration allows organizations to increase visual situational awareness, communicate via the most appropriate channel, trigger video surveillance in dispatch deployments, and more.

The integration of Teldio TruFleet Plus with Avtec Scout Console™ unlocks a host of new functionalities that empower organizations to optimize their operations further. From enhanced location tracking to streamlined communication and video integration, the combined solution offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to meet the evolving needs of modern workplaces. 

The integration of Teldio TruFleet Plus with Avtec Scout Console™ represents a significant advancement in dispatch operations, offering precise location tracking, seamless communication, and automation capabilities within a unified environment.

By leveraging this integration, dispatch centres can enhance safety, efficiency, and overall operational effectiveness, ensuring they stay ahead in today’s fast-paced and demanding environments.