
AT&T to Unveil New Disaster Response Technology for RIEMA

Source: AT&T
Curated by: Gert Jan Wolf - Editor-in Chief for The Critical Communications Review

Governor Dan McKee, Director Marc Pappas of the Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency (RIEMA) and the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority) joined AT&T* at the RIEMA Readiness Center to unveil new FirstNet(link is external) equipment and technology for Rhode Island first responders. FirstNet(link is external) is the only nationwide network built with and for America’s first responders.

As part of the state’s plan when opting into FirstNet(link is external), AT&T has delivered 2 new Compact Rapid Deployables (CRDs) to RIEMA. Rhode Island is the first state in the country to receive CRDs as a part of the state’s decision to advance its public safety broadband communications with FirstNet.

CRDs are trailered mobile units that provide FirstNet cellular and Wi-Fi coverage via satellite connectivity to first responders wherever their mission takes them. These assets are owned and operated by RIEMA and were provided at no cost to the state.

With hurricane season upon us, the CRDs can be utilized in response to natural disasters, or deployed in support of large-scale events or other public safety emergencies. They are ideal for use in rural or remote areas, as well as in areas where communications may temporarily be unavailable. CRDs can be set up by a single person in a matter of minutes.

Additional FirstNet equipment was also on display today, providing public safety officials and agencies in attendance with an opportunity to tour and learn more about what emergency management resources are available to FirstNet customers in Rhode Island.

Also on hand was FirstNet’s newest deployable resource, ROG the Dog, a therapy dog program(link is external) specifically for first responders. Launched in June 2021, this program has over 30 animals located across the U.S. who can be deployed to support first responders’ mental and physical health during crisis events.