
Multi-Agency Communications Center Chooses Federal Engineering for Dispatch Center Consulting Services

Source: FE
Curated by: Gert Jan Wolf - Editor-in Chief for The Critical Communications Review

The Multi-Agency Communications Center (MACC911), serving Grant County, Washington, USA, has chosen Federal Engineering, Inc. (FE) to provide computer aided dispatch (CAD), mobile data system (MDS), law records management system (RMS), and jail booking system (JMS) consulting services.

Mr. Gerrit Klein, Project Manager for MACC911, said: “MACC911 was formed in 1995 and serves the Cities and Towns of Grant County, including the Fire and EMS Districts. MACC911 seeks subject matter expertise to complete an assessment of its public safety software technology, including an evaluation of the existing environment and current and future needs. Federal Engineering appeared to be our best choice because of the firm’s rich history, spanning over 38 years of providing system analysis and design for public safety organizations. In addition to their technical experience, the firm’s subject matter expects’ real-world public safety operational experience will prove beneficial; they understand what we do and why we do it. Lastly, FE’s independence was most important to us. We want a firm we can rely upon to be our trusted advisor and not one that can be influenced by system vendors.”