CCR  |  2016-10-26

Edesix In-Car Solution well received at IACP

Source: MCCResources

Edesix recently attended the IACP (The International Association of Chiefs of Police) in San Diego with one of their American Partners, Federal Signal. The event saw Edesix showcasing its upcoming products designed for Police.

At the expo, Edesix unveiled its new In-Car Video solution, designed with industry partner Federal Signal. The in-car video solution demoed at the show utilises six camera inputs, all managed simultaneously by the Edesix-designed dashboard management system, providing officers with an all-encompassing view of their environment; with cameras mounted on the dash, roof, rear and backseat of the car, as well as on the officer’s uniform by way of VideoBadge Body Worn Cameras.

All cameras can be controlled, activated and managed via the dash-mounted touchscreen, and footage reviewed, edited and shared remotely using the Edesix web-based VideoManager footage management system.

The system is designed for the Law enforcement industry, utilising the in-depth industry knowledge of Federal Signal, and the technical abilities of Edesix, to engineer a state of the art in-car solution.

According to Edesix, the solution was exceptionally well received by officers at IACP, who were particularly impressed by the use of IP cameras, which allow the system be more compact, faster, as well as cheaper than many other in-car offerings. Similarly, the multi-perspective video capture and Web-based in-car control system were lauded by police at IACP.

In the USA, the solution will be offered by Federal Signal, under the name CueCar, which follows on from their offerings of VideoBadge under the name CueCam, part of the IndiCue product range.