LTE  |  2014-01-09

2014 to be pivotal for Public Safety Critical Mobile Broadband.

Source: MCCResources

As the CCBG (Critical Communications Broadband Group) and other stakeholder groups globally continue to progress standards work through 3GPP, ETSI and other SDOs, the Chairman of the CCBG, Tony Gray, believes that there will be considerable advances durin

He said he believes that the CCBG has now reached the ‘end of the beginning’ of its work to drive and deliver development of the broadband capabilities and services that critical users demand and require. With this first phase of work substantially complete, it is now important that the CCBG focuses on defining and delivering the work items that will be required during the next stages of CCBG development.

He continued: ”With this in mind, the CCBG Management Group, primarily comprising the individual working group (WG) leaders plus Emmanuelle Villebrun and myself, will be meeting early in 2014 to discuss the way forward.”

Furthermore in a circular to CCBG participants, he encourages everyone who has been, or would like to be, involved in the Working Groups to liaise with the relevant WG leaders with ideas or proposals for future work items.

The first CCBG plenary meeting of 2014 will be aligned with the “Critical Communications Europe” event ( and will be held at the Krasnapolsky Hotel, Amsterdam on Thursday 13th March.