DMR  |  2015-10-31

ETSI releases new version of DMR trunking standard

Source: MCCResources

The Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) Association is pleased to report, that the European Telecommunications Standardization Institute (ETSI) has released Version 1.7.1 of the Tier III Trunking Part TS102 361-4 of the Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) standard.

This substantial update represents not only a 25% increase in page count of section 4 of the standard, but also contains major additions requested by users of the technology such as Dynamic Group Number Assignment, MS (Mobile Station) to MS Duplex for Voice and Data, Transmit Interrupt routines and an additional mode for Application Data over an IP Bearer Service.

“We are very pleased with this major update to the Tier III trunking capability of the ETSI Standard.” states Mario Micheli, Chairman of the DMR Association. “It not only shows the dedication of the manufacturers of DMR equipment to further enhance the functionality of DMR. It is also a true sign of widespread adoption of the DMR technology. Users are asking for more capabilities, because they wish to use DMR in their business critical applications in a wider variety of use cases.” Micheli explains and further points out: “Plus, it demonstrates the important role the Technical Working Group of the DMR Association plays in supporting and developing the standard further.”

DMR member companies joined forces in the Technical Working Group (TWG) of the DMR Association to discuss and prepare the technical solutions eventually entering the standardization process of ETSI ́s RTS/ERM-TGDMR-315. The various enhancements were discussed and defined over a period of more than 11⁄2 years.

Dynamic Group Number Assignment, Talk Group Subscription and Talk Group Attachment handling over the air interface were added to increase the flexibility of one of the key advantages narrowband PMR, which is efficient group call communication. For efficient workload management, a “one-to-many” communication is imperative. DGNA improves the flexibility of group call modes offered by DMR Tier III.

MS to MS voice and data duplex required the introduction of additional timing modes for the Trunked System Control Channel (TSCC), specifically when used on single RF carrier base stations. This improves convenience for the users, speeds up data transmissions and allows users to exploit the deployed infrastructure in lower traffic areas more efficiently without losing functionality.

Transmitting Application Data over a defined IP Bearer Service allows users of DMR systems to integrate their wireless infrastructure more tightly into the IT infrastructure and offers manufacturers the possibility to provide a bearer service for customer specific data.

Download here the new standard