TETRA  |  2013-12-30

TETRA terminals to be delivered in 25 municipalities to support the local Police in Spain

Source: The Critical Communications Review | Gert Jan Wolf editor

The Minister of Interior and Justice Serafin Castilian : "Every euro invested in security is to invest in the peace of the citizens, but also on progress and development "

The Minister of Interior and Justice Serafin Castilian, delivered recently a total of 70 digital TETRA radio’s to the local police in 25 municipalities of Valencia with less than 5,000 inhabitants.

Support for the delivery of these radios has grown to more than 84,000 euros and to date it has benefited 17 municipalities in the province of Valencia, Alicante 6 and 2 in the province of Castellón.

Castilian explained that " this is a digital system for security professionals and emergencies because people want that, whatever the problem, act quickly and efficiently and communication is essential ."

„With this in mind, we are subsidizing TETRA equipment for all towns with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants  and those who have less budget. Indeed, with today's release , it's almost 160 terminals that we have delivered to the bodies of Local Police of Valencia. "

During the ceremony, the minister stressed that "we will continue to fund TETRA equipment to all municipalities with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants and incorporating the Comdes Network given that 44 % of these municipalities have local police.”

Serafin Castilian also stressed that "we are working in communications and implementing  training, which is another of our priorities." "We will continue working at the Council 's commitment to provide the best service through the latest technology in security and emergencies." Finally , Castilian stressed that " every dollar invested in safety is to invest in the peace of the citizens, but also on progress and development."

Municipalities benefited
Hondon de las Nieves, Tibi, Almoines, Benifairó of Valldigna, Formentera del Segura, height, Agullent, Bolbaite, L' Alqueria of Comtessa, Rafelguaraf, La Font d 'em Carrós, Cárcer, Llíber, Jalon, Bicorp, Llosa Ranes, Moixent, Fenced, Catadau, Albalat de la Ribera, Caudiel, Castelló de Rugat, Quatretonda, Llombai and Casinos.

Source: MCCResources