TETRA  |  2013-08-19

TETRA operator Entropia Digital launches online costs calculator

Source: The Critical Communications Review | Gert Jan Wolf editor

Philip Vercruysse, the CEO at Entropia Digital about the costs calculator: "The costs calculator shows exactly what a comprehensive service from Entropia costs. This is shown for each functionality and, where necessary, for each line of business.

As a TETRA network operator Entropia Digital has developed an application with which the client can calculate what TETRA communications via the digital TETRA network costs.

The application keeps account of unnecessary costs which the client incurs with an own private (TETRA) system, thus showing the most favourable tailor-made rate. By using the calculation tool it is possible to recalculate the invoice of the current TETRA system and to simulate a more advantageous offer with Entropia. That could be very interesting when estimating the impact of unnecessary costs.

The procedure is simple. In order to recalculate the invoice of the TETRA services one takes all the final billing of the private system. This billing mentions all the data which is necessary for the correct calculation (number of channels, usage period, licence fees, charges for maintenance, service and management, faults costs, etc). Taking this as a starting point, it is possible to indicate which functionalities one wants with Entropia.
If any one of the components changes, the calculation tool provides an overview of the following per portophone, broken down per type of service:

  • the total rate;
  • the options;
  • the fixed contribution (subscription fees) for the supply of TETRA services;
  • the contribution for the supply of a link from a communications room;
  • the amount of the once-off connection fees;
  • the number of portophones; 
  • the duration of the contract;
  • the extra discounts.

Philip Vercruysse, the CEO at Entropia Digital about the costs calculator: "The costs calculator shows exactly what a comprehensive service from Entropia costs. This is shown for each functionality and, where necessary, for each line of business. The calculator has been designed as such that both the management, procurement department and the user receive a clear overview of their fixed recurring costs, no nonsense. For every company it is important that the fixed costs are genuinely fixed, don't rise, and preferably even reduce in the long term, without any surprises afterwards. This is impossible with private TETRA systems. Hidden costs are the order of the day, that's why we're launching Entropia's online.

Source: MCCResources