TETRA  |  2013-01-29

TETRA radio test by C2000 Fire brigades successfully closed.

Source: The Critical Communications Review | Gert Jan Wolf editor

These tests were carried out as part of the Improvements project withn the C2000 Fire teams. The aim of the field test was to gain insight into the main properties of the current range of TETRA radios.

At the meeting of the Board of Fire Chiefs (RBC) in the Netherlnads on the  18th January the report "Power Tools Testing 2012" has completed. This report contains the results of field testing of new radios for fire brigades working with the C2000 TETRA network. Based on the findings of the report, the C2000 regions will sharpen their demands for the upcoming tender.

Since 2009 the NVBR / Fire Netherlands is actively mapping the solutions to the problems encountered while using the Tetra radios. Against this background and with a large-scale replacement of radios in the object prospect, the Steering Committee decided to conduct C2000 Fire field tests with new object radios. These tests were carried out as part of the Improvements project C2000 Fire. The aim of the field test was to gain insight into the main properties of the current range of TETRA radios.

In the months of July to September 2012, 26 radios for TETRA communication for firefighters have been investigated. This research concerns the assessment of the range and sound quality in two practical situations, the ease of use (look & feel) and the technical qualities of the
radios. In the test are both digital and analog radios involved. Of digital radios are different technical variants tested: Tetra (the C2000 technique) and DMR (Digital Mobile Radio).

The study shows that including the quality and range of the DMO (TETRA) radios since 2010 has clearly increased and the quality and range of analog radios is not better than the digital versions. It also appears that the range in open field is no longer an issue and that,based on the look and feel, it is preferred to supply the digital radios.

Source: Newsbank