TETRA  |  2012-12-20

City of Prague to improve TETRA network

Source: The Critical Communications Review | Gert Jan Wolf editor

The construction of the municipal TETRA radio system was originally launched in Prague in 2000. The system was gradually expanded until its current form.

The Magistrate Prague last week signed a contract for the upgrade of the current TETRA radio system that supports the local emergency services.

The system is currently used for the cities crisis and rescue teams and runs on old infrastructure, lack of spare parts and low bandwidth and in some areas even insufficient coverage.

The tender favoured organisations who are on the S LU Driver collaborated metropolis. However, the city refuses any misconduct. Director of the Department subject to safety and crisis management; Petr Beran, announced that a because of transparency it will be an open tender.
Part of the tender is update all databases, software and delivery of a license related to the modernisation and extension of the system. "Contractor provides available licenses for 25 dispatch consoles that are committed six thousand end users" sys the document.

Additional will be the increase of transmission capacity for transmission of short data messages and double the coverage.

The construction of the municipal TETRA radio system was originally launched in Prague in 2000. The system was gradually expanded until its current form. The largest/latest expansion of the network was done in the context of NATO's Summit in Prague.

Source: E15.cz