TETRA  |  2012-02-08

KPN server hacked - Dutch C2000 TETRA Network never in danger.

Source: The Critical Communications Review | Gert Jan Wolf editor

The hackers have been able to read the customer data, however it seems that no data has been copied.

KPN, the Netherlands largest Telecommunications company has confirmed that in January this year hackers had access to a server of the company. The hackers have been able to read the customer data but it seems that no data has been copied.

On January 20, KPN discovered that someone had access to a server with different data, including customer information such as name and bank account number. A week later it showed that the hacker had access to the system, despite the extra measures that where taken. KPN subsequently reported the event to the authorities and the system was directly shut down.

A spokesman of KPN's could not tell how many customer records where involved. Potentially it could include data from thousands of customers  The National Office is now investigating the matter.

The KPN spokesman stressed that critical systems, such as the C2000 TETRA network, for communications between emergency services, has never been in danger.. Where the leak is coming from or who the hacker is, is still unclear.

Source: RTL news