TETRA  |  2011-12-20

TETRA-Applications.com continues to support the TCCA Marketing Group in 2012

Source: The Critical Communications Review | Gert Jan Wolf editor

the company is active member of the TCCA Marketing Group since May 2011

TETRA-Applications.com has decided to actively support the TCCA Marketing Group for 2012. The company joined the TCCA Marketing Group on May 2010 and provided marketing support during the regular meetings held in Berlin, Basingstoke and Amsterdam. A new meeting with the TCCA Marketing Group is scheduled on Friday the 1th January in the UK.

Over the last year, the TCCA Marketing Group was very active in the redesign of the new website and in the migration and reordering of the existing data.

The group also compiled and printed the Pocket Guide to TETRA booklet, which was available for the TWC 2011, and is on the website as a page-turn pdf. The guide has been produced in English, and is also being currently translated into Spanish and Portuguese. Chinese and German versions to follow. The English version is also available in hard copy format.

Currently the marketing group is very active updating the Membership brochure and new graphics are being produced for use on the Association exhibition stands.  Both the brochure and the graphics will follow the brand style of the new website.

Source: www.tetra-applications.com