Messaging  |   Narrowband  |  2023-07-13

Sumo MNS Demonstrates New Cutting-Edge Mobile Mass Notification System

Source: Sumo MNS
Curated by: Gert Jan Wolf - Editor-in Chief for The Critical Communications Review

Sumo MNS has successfully completed a demonstration of their Sumo MNS TACPA (Tactical Public Address) system in Northern California.

The Sumo MNS TACPA cutting-edge mobile mass notification system showcased its remarkable ability to enhance critical communications, particularly in response to wildfires, search & rescue operations, and other emergency situations.

During the demonstration, the unique features and capabilities of our Sumo MNS TACPA system were highlighted, including its rapid and targeted communication, wide coverage, and intelligible audio quality.

The Sumo MNS TACPA solution ensures that vital information reaches the public swiftly and effectively, enabling them to make informed decisions and ultimately protect & save lives.