TETRA  |  2011-11-21

ECT Port of Rotterdam to implement TETRA network

Source: The Critical Communications Review | Gert Jan Wolf editor

SAIT Zenitel has won the TETRA contract with Rohill infrastructure

TETRA and Critical Communications Association member SAIT Zenitel Netherlands received the order from ECT for a TETRA network at their container terminals in the Port of Rotterdam. ECT, a member of the HPH group, owns one of the largest container terminals in the world and by far the largest one in the western hemisphere.

SAIT Zenitel will install the TETRA infrastructure of Dutch manufacturer Rohill. The system consists of three sites and more than 20 line connected dispatcher positions.

Furthermore 450 portable and 350 mobile radios will be delivered. With the new system both the Delta Terminal and the Euromax Terminal will be covered. The new system will be operational by mid 2012.

Source: www.tandcca.com