CCR  |  2017-06-27

ASTRID to further Support its Users with Innovative Solutions

Source: MCCResources

NGI and ASTRID jointly tested new map application for fire fighters that support the various emergency services with coordinated interventions.

The Institut Géographique National (NGI) developed a testing application based on GeoPortal, in cooperation with ASTRID and the Belgian emergency services, that makes it possible to support coordinated interventions of fire and emergency services.

The application was extensively tested at ASTRID by all parties involved. Following this test, on Saturday, June 17, the application was then tested under real conditions at the Kalmthoutse Heide. This was a large-scale exercise in which fire brigade, police, civil protection, army and other services each performed different assignments. During the test multiple personalized maps, complemented by operational information (such as access roads and flight zones), and a grid structure, could easily locate emergency services personel when they intervene in nature areas.

The tool uses GeoPortal, the existing interactive and internet-based ASTRID map portal with the ability to exchange cartographic data and annotations. Through the various communication platforms of ASTRID (Blue Light Mobile, ...), the operational information can be spread quickly and safely between the emergency and security services.

ASTRID mentioned that, based on the results of the test, an operational service might be considered. The operator of the Belgian public safety TETRA network also said that they keep on supporting its users with innovative solutions.