LTE  |  2014-06-19

Dyfed-Powys Police goes lives with Airwave Pronto

Source: MCCResources

Dyfed-Powys Police has started the process of issuing their police officers with Airwave’s Pronto electronic notebook loaded with a suite of policing applications to facilitate their move towards paperless policing.

Pronto is a fully-functional electronic notebook and application suite which gives officers the ability to access vital backend systems from the frontline. They can key in information at the point of need and then reuse the information digitally for the full range of policing processes that are available through the Pronto suite of applications.

According to John Lewis, Airwave COO: “This is an important milestone for both Dyfed-Powys Police and Airwave. To see the officers issued with their devices is the culmination of us working closely together to deliver a service that will help them increase efficiencies and transform their work on the frontline.”

The first phase will see 48 officers using the electronic notebooks pre-loaded with applications that will give them remote and mobile access to all local and national backend systems such as the Police National Computer (PNC) and the data management tool Experian QAS, as well as the force command and control and crime and intelligence systems.

Dyfed-Powys Police has also prioritised a range of processes that will move them into the paperless environment. These include direct crime, Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Harrasment (DASH) forms, as well as collision reports and other traffic processes.

Chief Constable Simon Prince said: “The benefits of officers having access to systems and information whilst out on patrol are clear. Being able to complete tasks once that synchronise with force systems will save time, effort and avoid entering information twice.

“Officers will not be in stations at computers, they will be out and visible in our communities. Mobile digital policing is a key part of our wider Police and Crime Plan where we are changing the way we work in order to put the public first.”

The programme will be managed and delivered by Airwave’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Kelvin Connect.