DMR  |  2015-01-12

Kirisun supplied digital radio solutions for APEC summit China

Source: MCCResources

The APEC Summit China is the most influential official economic cooperation forum in Asia-Pacific region, that was held at Yanxi Lake, Huairou district, Beijing in November last year.

Before the summit took place, Kirisun technicians conducted extensive testing at the on-site environment, in order to design an optimal coverage plan. Thereafter they successfully completed the installation of the required digital system. 

During the summit, personnel at the security centre employed Kirisun FP460 digital portable radios combined with the FR550 digital repeater for the property security of the Yanxi lake centre as well as the building complex.

Kirisun digital radios were chosen for being environmental-friendly, energy-saving, highly-classified as well as being clear in communication.