DMR  |  2014-07-21

City of Avila purchases DMR radio system to support current TETRA system.

Source: MCCResources

The Governing Board of the city of Avila, Spain, gave the green light ast week Thursday to tender for the supply and implementation of a DMR radio network for the emergency services of the City of Avila, to support the current TETRA System.

With a tender value of 80.000 Euros, the new DMR system will enable secure communications between the local municipal emergency services. 

Municipal spokesman and deputy mayor of Security, José Francisco Hernández Herrero, mentioned that the new system will build a bridge between TETRA and DMR, so there will always be backup equipment that will offer an "absolute guarantee" in communications between all bodies and security forces.
Hernández Herrero, who has said that the DMR system is "reliable and sustainable with a low cost", explained that the TETRA system is run with high maintenance costs (100,000 euros during the first seven years and). He would like to move towards a better and more efficient system. 
The councilor responsible for technological operations, Pino Gomez explained that regarding the technology and security he finally opted for the DMR system, "an efficient system that has no maintenance cost and that will allow us to work in parallel with the old system and ensure communication of the city. "
Although the new system will be implemented soon, José Francisco Hernández has warned that "it will be difficult to get the system up and running for the local events that are happening in September. "In any case it is guaranteed that between the months of September and October we will have a completely renovated communications system.