TETRA  |  2016-12-21

Entropia Critical Concepts Delivers Digital Radio Communications for the City of Rotterdam

Source: MCCResources

Entropia Critical Concepts recently won a project to deliver a subscription service for Stadsbeheer (City managment) Rotterdam based on TETRA Technology.

The deal is a subscription for 750 to 1250 radio connections to be used the Entropia TETRA Critical Communications Network, including control room software. 

Entropia provides critical communications for the city of Rotterdam since 2009. One of the main reasons for the city of Rotterdam to choose Entropia, was because the large coverage area of the Entropia TETRA network within the Netherlands. Employees of Stadstoezicht Rotterdam will now be able to stay connected with their home base, when helping out in other neighbour cities during large scale events.

The total value of the contract is 1.5 million Euro.