
Minnesota Awards Federal Engineering Contract for NG9-1-1 Migration Support

Source: Federal Engineering
Curated by: Gert Jan Wolf - Editor-in Chief for The Critical Communications Review

The State of Minnesota Emergency Communication Networks (ECN), a division of the Department of Public Safety (DPS), has awarded Federal Engineering, Inc. (FE) a contract to provide consulting and support services for sustaining migration to an “end state” next generation 9-1-1 platform for the State.

ECN has identified the following desired goals for the project’s next steps:

  • The ability for Minnesota Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) to accept 9-1-1 calls for all certificated Originating Service Providers.Geo-Spatially route the 9-1-1 calls to the appropriate PSAP.
  • Deliver the call to the PSAP’s call handling system natively in internet protocol (IP) with its location.
  • Support the National Emergency Number Association’s “Any device, anytime, anywhere” mission.
  • Implement best practices that offer an approach for assessing and managing the cybersecurity risks that are associated with the next generation 9-1-1 services.

This comprehensive project will include over 100 PSAPs within the State.

Mr. Donald Nagle, FE Director, described the tasks to be performed: “Federal Engineering will provide a suite of services to DPS/ECN including:

  • Generation of the Next Generation Core Services (NGCS) RFP and Project Implementation Plan.
  • Development of cybersecurity initiatives for improved security measures within all PSAPs in addition to enhanced security from threats against next generation services.
  • Draft responses, coordinate stakeholder input, and propose revisions to Minnesota Statute Chapter 403 in support of DPS-ECN to prescribe how the state coordinates and maintains the 9-1-1 system as well as how it defines the governance structure for the Statewide Emergency Communication Board.

Minnesota will benefit from the vast knowledgebase gained by FE as the foremost NG9-1-1 consulting firm in North America.”