
Eventide & Zetron to Host APCO Webinar

Source: Eventide
Curated by: Gert Jan Wolf - Editor-in Chief for The Critical Communications Review

Eventide and Zetron announced that they jointly will present a webinar: Meeting the Recording Challenges of Evolving PTT over LTE, MCPTT, and LMR Recording Technologies

This webinar will present an overview of the current state of “PTT over LTE” and MCPTT as complementary technologies to LMR. The webinar also discuss approaches for meeting PTT recording requirements today and into the future.

This webinar is presented by Zetron’s John Martyn, with support from Eventide’s Brad Basile and Mark Traeger and will take place on October 20, 2021 at 1 PM ET

You can register for this webinar by clicking the following link: https://etide.io/APCOWebinar

Free for APCO members; $59 for non-members


  • John Martyn (Broadband & MAX Dispatch, Fire Station Alerting Sr Product Manager at Zetron)
  • Brad Basile (Chief Operating Officer at Eventide)
  • Mark Traeger (VP of Sales at Eventide)