TETRA  |  2017-09-05

Dutch MOD Prepares for the Future

Source: MCCResources

The Dutch Ministry of Defense issued a tender for services and the installation of TETRA radio equipment in various vehicles and vessels with an estimated value of 7.3 MIO Euro.

On the last day of August, the Purchase Department of the Dutch Ministry of Defense has issued a tender for the delivery of C2000 subscriber equipment. This concerns both the portable and mobile radios as well as all related accessories. The current TETRA radio equipment has to be replaced with the arrival of the renewed C2000 TETRA network.

Services include the installation of TETRA radio equipment in various vehicles and vessels with an estimated value of 7.3 MIO Euro.

It is remarkable that in the publication of the tender it is stated that; price is not the only award criteria. Would this mean that in previous MOD tenders 'price' was the only award criteria? 

In 2016, a previous radio tender related to the Dutch C2000 TETRA network, named ARC, came under 'fire' as many of the involved parties were not satisfied with the tender. The comment by many of the vendors was that the government would focus too much on price as an award criteria.

Besides that, after the C2000 ARC tender (issued by the Ministry of Safety and Justice) was launched for the first time, it was withdrawn and then republished. Additionally, the government also changed the procedure of the tender and delayed the process. The tender would have been unclear. During the first question round, the tender team received more than 650 questions. Vendors called the tender outright and inconsistent.

Picture: Courtesey of Phoenix OOCL