TETRA  |  2011-11-25

TETRA Ireland releases new case study - Securing communications for the Irish Revenue Customs Service

Source: The Critical Communications Review | Gert Jan Wolf editor

Kieran Dillon, Higher Executive Officer, Irish Revenue Commissioners "....with encryption, our users now have a higher level of confidence in using the new system..."

The case study (launched on the 25th Oktober 2011) of TETRA Ireland, describes the need for secure and reliable communications for the Revenue Customs services.

The Revenue customs services works at the point of entry to and exit from the state. Part of their routine duties involves the seizure of goods that are illegal, restricted, prohibited or where relevant taxes and duties have not been paid.

The requirement of Revenue was to replace an unreliable and insecure communication with a new dependable national communications solution which supports interoperation with partnering agencies.

Please, click here to download a copy of the case study.

Source: www.tetraireland.ie