TETRA  |  2011-11-17

Wireless Round table discussion - Addressing the TETRA data dilemma

Source: The Critical Communications Review | Gert Jan Wolf editor

Duncan Swan (Analysis Mason): TETRA is excellent at supporting data. Euros Evans (AIRWAVE): TETRA already does data and some of our customers have shown how they can derive real business benefits from it.

Wirelss recently organized a round table discussion about the TETRA DATA dilemma.

High-quality mobile broadband data services are now widely available. The question facing public safety organisations and other industry verticals is how to access broadband services in conjunction with their existing TETRA or similar networks in a way that is reliable, robust and resilient.

Wireless teamed up with Motorola Solutions, the TETRA Association and British APCO to host a round table discussion with a panel of experts to debate the possible future strategies for implementing additional data and broadband services.

Please click here to read the discussion and to add your comments

Source: www.wireless-mag.com