
NIST Requests Input on Public Safety Communication Technology

Source: The Critical Communications Review | Gert Jan Wolf editor

The 15-minute survey asks questions about the communication technology first responders currently use, need, and want in the future.

NIST (the US National Institute of Standards and Technology) is calling all First Responders in the US for Feedback. NIST recently launched a nationwide usability survey on public safety communication technology and needs input from first responders. The 15-minute survey asks questions about the communication technology first responders currently use, need, and want in the future. 

Besides the fact that NIST is requesting more information on what end users currently use and not use, NIST also requests more information on problems First Responders have experienced with the devices they have previously ranked as most useful and what problems they have experienced with pagers, handheld, and mobile radios as well as radio accessories. When looking in future technologies, topics such as VR are also discussed.

NIST says that First responder input is vital to this effort and is hoping to hear from as many first responders as possible across the country.

With this survey NIST really would like to understand what works, what doesn't, and what technology First REsponders think would be useful for incident response communications. 

Sharing this survey link (https://publicsafety.nist.gov/survey/pscr) with any public safety personnel is encouraged.